AHS seniors discuss Life of Pi's issues related both to the book and to their lives.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Question 5 (chapters 56-69)

In Chapter 63, Pi discusses the problem of timekeeping as a castaway. Then, in Chapter 64, paragraph 1, the third sentence he casually states, “For months I lived stark naked….” What effect does this have so soon after the statement of the timelessness? Why say “months” when he clearly has disassociated himself with time? How does the notion of timeless existence connect with this spiritual side?


Blogger kirk said...

Pi may be lying and this is a hole in his made up story.

7:46 PM

Blogger EricF said...

One of the most important survival tools is a watch, not because it will say your life, but it will save your sanity, without his ability to track time it can easily becomes years to him while only a few months to others, this is especially true while on the open ocean. I believe that Pi has become somewhat incoherent and almost lost in his own mind unable to escape to reality.

8:36 AM

Blogger NathanK said...

He talks about the timlessness of it all as if he were still there. While he was there im sure it seemed long and monotonous. Like the example of a school class where the seconds seem to grow longer as you watch the clock. We have all done it. Now that he is away from it all he is able to recount how long it actually was.

11:18 AM

Blogger Jared Bloch said...

Pi loses track of time because all he has to live by is Night and Day. He probably sleeps in the day sometimes and stays awake during the night so he loses track of how many days he's slept. Therefore, to Pi, a week could be months or even years. He really doesn't care about time anymore because he realizes the difference between life and death is that one doesn't involve time. He understands death is eminent and time won't matter, so why worry about it now?

8:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Pi uses months to get the reader interested. Time is a fairly unimportant part of the story because Pi has disassociated himself from time, but Pi merely wants to show himself that he can survive for how much time he is on the boat.

11:04 AM


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