AHS seniors discuss Life of Pi's issues related both to the book and to their lives.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Question 2 (chapters 10-30)

What comfort does Piscine find from each of the religions individually, Islam, Christianity, and Hindu?


Blogger kirk said...

Pi was brought up Hindu and probably holds that closest to his heart. He finds a comfort and understanding in the all powerful gods they worship. When Pi discovers Christianity he immediately is confused in its contrast to his native Hinduism. When Pi initially sees the priest he states, “I was filled with a sense of peace(…) he was there- open, patient- in case someone, anyone, should want to talk to him(…)he would listen with love.”(65) This immediately calls Pi in. He is “moved” and “thrilled.” No one can deny, comfort would be hard to not find with such feelings. When Pi compares Christianity’s one god to Hinduism’s many he is drawn in even more and finds peace with Christianity and its unique attributes. The comfort Pi finds in Islam is different to the comfort found in his other practices. It seems Pi is drawn in by the profound “brotherhood” and “devotion.” “It felt good to bring my forehead to the ground. Immediately it felt like a deep religious contact.”(77) Pi enjoys and Is comforted by the deep connection he feels with god in Islam. Clearly Pi finds comfort in different ways in all three of his religions.

7:29 PM

Blogger Jared Bloch said...

Pi is not ethnocentric. He accepts all beliefs as equally worthwhile. I believe he does not believe one of these religions is greater than another, but simply believes that relgion soothes the minds of others. he himself is not effected by beliefs of these religions and wants to take bits and pieces from each to create his own system of thought and discorvery. One admirable attribute I find in Pi is that he doesn't allow other's opinions and biases force him to fear the insight he looks for.

11:58 PM

Blogger lgaffney said...

I find Katie's question thought-provoking; she asks, "[Pi] calls himself a follower of Hinduism, why is he so interested in becoming a Christian?" In order to consider one's self faithful, it is our cultural understanding that faithfulness means devotion to one sect. Pi asks, can we not be faithful to spirituality by embracing the belief systems of several sects as, he feels, there is something to be learned from each. Martel/ Pi challenges our beliefs about even simple things such as zoos and also about more complex ideas such as spirituality. It causes me to be intraspective and I appreciate this about Martel's writing.

8:13 AM

Blogger EricF said...

In my opinion, Pi finds comfort not in the religions themselves, but in the thought that someone is there to care for and about him. Pi has not been tied to one religion specifically, and to study religion is to lose faith in religion, when one truly studies the different beliefs of the world they discover how convincing each religion is. One example of this is the Catholic church, in my life I have discovered the secret to business, and that is to start a church. Originally the church started to gain power amongst the people, the Pope being more powerful than the king. Now religions still maintain their grasp on the world through speechs telling followers who to vote for or tithe'ing 10% of your income to the church.

8:38 AM

Blogger NathanK said...

Pi seems to find aspects of each religion that he likes so he peices each into what he believes about God. Take Christianity and Islam for instance. He likes the closeness and human-ness of Jesus in Christianity as well as the all-powerful God in Islam. These two are combined to fit the way he believes God to be; a powerfull God who cares about him personally.

10:28 AM

Blogger naliklou said...

i think religion gives a meaning to Pi's life. If his survival was just chance, everything would be meaningless. With god, his survival is meaningful: because of his close relationship with god he was able to find the strength to survive.God explains for the sacrifice of people and for love.

9:41 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Swag swag swagggg??? legooo pi is boiii... jk ..... no but 4 reelzz all you pi fanboyys want to come hangout, i live in ameeerica-the land of dreams. LEgooo pecease out boiii. call me 1-(800)-888-8888. you guys remember when pie ate that cheese loaf and became hindu lol hype sh1t dudes.. bye guyz

7:20 AM


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