AHS seniors discuss Life of Pi's issues related both to the book and to their lives.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Post your THESIS statement

Thinking about what you know needs to be in a thesis statement, as learned in your English classes and certainly practiced last year American Literature, write a thesis statement for one of the topic choices on the green handout.

As I'm reading many of your posted thesis statements, I realize that you all struggle with how to formulate a strong thesis. The ideas are there, but you are not stating your arguments well. Print the following and bring to class on Wed.:

1. This handout helps determine a strong thesis statement from a weak thesis statement: Indiana University handout.

2. This handout explains clearly what a thesis statement is, how to write it (giving an easy-to-remember formula), and the purpose of a thesis statement is: North Carolina Wesleyan College handout

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Blogger Davis said...

In the book “Life of PI” by Yann Martel, Pi uses his faith to survive through his tragedy. But because he is all alone at sea he needs a physical representation of his faith to keep him going. This I believe is to be Richard Parker himself. --Ashley H. (period 1)

4:55 PM

Blogger Christine D said...

In life of Pi, Yann Martel creates a character that follows three religions in order to prove that all religions have positive and negatives aspects, and to teach the reader that it is possible for all religions to live together peacefully.

6:40 PM

Blogger jordanc said...

In the novel “Life of Pi”, by Yann Martel, hunger and thirst are continually fixated on, demonstrating the sharp difference between Pi’s former life and the one he experiences on the lifeboat.

7:21 PM

Blogger MandyN said...

In Life of Pie, a novel written by Yann Martel, many symbols are created through different events that he experiences but I imagine hands that are barely touching each other.

7:37 PM

Blogger DianaH said...

In the novel, Life of Pi by Yann Martel, the familiar motif of hunger and thirst gives the story a different perspective of survival in a situation so contrasted from the normal life of main character, Pi Patel.

8:03 PM

Blogger jimmym92 said...

In Life of Pi, Yan martel uses the raft as a symbol of how fear keeps humanity alive.

8:31 PM

Blogger Anna Lee W said...

In Life of Pi, Yann Martel leaves the reader with two contradicting stories and I believe that the animal story is the true story.

8:45 PM

Blogger Patrick.R. said...

Topic #7

In the novel "Life of Pi", by Yann Martel, religion is used as a main support for Pi in his epic journey in the ocean.

8:55 PM

Blogger jyoungblade said...

Even though both stories are equally believable, if the animal story is true, it suggests a more existential view of the novel.

9:51 PM

Blogger JennW said...

Topic # 7

Throughout the book "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel, religion was a major part of Pi's survival. Religion was what kept Pi holding on for so long without giving up. The author uses Pi's three different faiths to represent different strengths that Pi posses.

11:23 PM

Blogger Cole Crawford said...

topic 7

In the book Life of Pi, the author Yann Martel is saying that any relgion can be true, they are all similar and each can be used to attain salvation.

Cole Crawford

6:45 AM

Blogger Davis said...

In Life of Pi by Yann Martel, a young boy named Pi adventures a psychological journey searching human reactions in "out of world" experiences. Amy S. (1st period)

7:08 AM

Blogger emilyz said...

emilyz said...
Yann Martels' Life of Pi expresses the need of humans to survive by showing Pi's struggle and fight throughout the book.

8:17 AM

Blogger StaceyB said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:33 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Topic #4

Thesis: In "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel, the color orange is used repeatedly, in a variety of ways, to symbolize hope and survival.

12:36 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Matt S.
The need of the most essential element, water, is presented over and over again in Yann Martel's novel Life of Pi which leads us to find a deeper understanding of what thirst really is.

1:05 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Sarah D said...
Throughout The Life of Pi, Pi studies three different religions which all contribute to his survival spirtually and physically ; each challange his beliefs, shaping him throughout his journey.

10:14 AM

1:06 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Kori Z said...
Thesis Statement: After Martel offers the reader and after Pi offers a choice to his interviewers, I believe that neither story is real story of the "Life of Pi".

1:07 PM

Blogger Davis said...

kate w said...
Although throughout the book, Life of Pi by Yann Martel, it shows Pi's interaction with other animals while stuck in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, he tells two different stories to his interviewers; one involving animals, and the other with humans. By analyzing this book more in depth, it becomes clear that the human story has to be true for many reasons.

4:52 PM

1:07 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Scott H. said...
Yann Martel's the Life of Pi helps to demonstrate exactly how much the mind, body, and soul can endure without being pushed beyond its breaking point.

1:08 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Rea said...
THESIS STATEMENT: In the "Life of Pi", Yann Martel is trying to convey to his readers that critical thinking, inspirations, and love are the important keys to survival.

12:43 PM

1:11 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Hannah L.
Religion is a path that one chooses to understand the world. In the Life of Pi by Yann Martel, Pi demonstrates that having an understanding and faith in more than one religion is what can keep ones spirits alive.

1:17 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Cayli R.
After reading the novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel, Pi's journey on the sea was more of a mental and spiritual journey rather than a physical one. Pi showed that as long as you are able to live through the mental suffering and keeping a high spirit, they are the key through a surviving journey.

1:18 PM

Blogger Davis said...

David P.
Religion is one thing in the world that can bring millions of people together for a common cause, a common good. This same spirit can separate millions of people and anger people to the point that violence occurs. In the Life of Pi by Yann Martel he uses religion to show how it separates sosme, but to Pi it helps him through the tough times, gives him a sense of belonging , and ratiocination of the terrible time he has fought through.

1:21 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Maslow has set up a hierarchic theory of five basic needs that are necessary for survival; however in the Life of Pi by Martel, Pi is forced to let go of certain needs and focus on others.

1:21 PM

Blogger Davis said...

NathanW said...

In the book, Life of Pi, by Yann Martel, the main character Pi Patel is confronted with having to make the choice between Hinduism, Islam and Christianity, all of which push him in different directions.

1:22 PM

Blogger AndrewQ said...

While Life of pi shown through the animals point of view seemed readable, the twist of the human side seemed to raise questions.

2:43 PM

Blogger Hannah L said...

Luke Z.
Religion is in everyone's lives weather we accept it or not. We can find it or let it find us. It is part off all of us, it surrounds us, captivates us, and there is no way of escaping it. I believe Martel's goal in this book is to show us we have a choice.

3:10 PM

Blogger kyle said...

The most intriguing aspect of Yann Martel’s “Life of Pi” is the tiger named Richard Parker, who isn’t necessarily real, but surely symbolizes the danger that Pi faces daily at the open ocean, while showing Pi’s ability to survive, and in many ways symbolizes any sanity Pi has left.

4:47 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

topic #7
Through out Pi's journey he endures very trying times, however even so, he never looses his faith or questions his beliefs beacause he understands that it is not god to blame for what has happend but it is the after life that he has to look forward to.

5:01 PM

Blogger Kschuler said...

Yan Martel’s “Life of Pi” is a fictional novel that tells two stories with one perspective which is that in ever human there is an animal, making the novel significantly more valuable with the connection of the two stories.

7:17 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Great start everyone! I will post responses to everyone's thesis by Tuesday at 9pm. Here's my first ones:

Ashley H., you have a creative thesis. I am interested in your idea of making Richard Parker a physical representation of Pi’s faith….completely curious however, how you will make the text show what you need it to. But certainly, go for it. It is analytical, argumentative and original. A critique: make your thesis a maximum of 2 sentences.

Christine, I do think that Martel had a purpose showing a character that is unwilling to choose between 3 religions. But, stating that religion has positive and negative aspects are understood. I think you can still argue your point without this. Get to what it teaches the reader, sooner. Great thinking!

Jordan and Diana, your structure for a thesis is well-crafted, but you need a stronger argument. Arguing that a character’s life prior to being at sea is different than being adrift at sea for 227 days –or—that hunger and thirst gives the character a different understanding of the world is understood. Rethink what you could debate.

Mandy, make certain to spell book titles, characters, etc. correctly. Professors will not take kindly to misspellings. =) When you talk about symbols for a literary analysis, you need to find a concrete image, colors, figures that represent greater understanding of the book. In Romeo and Juliet, poison could be used as a symbol that represents the evil that humans create. It’s made from natural ingredients, yet when combined in a certain manner, with a sinister intention, the result is evil. Romeo and Juliet’s love was natural and true, but once humans, their parents intervened combining their love with ultimatums, the result is also deadly. Rethink a symbol and what it can show us about the novel.

Jimmy M., excellent thinking. I love the idea of the raft connected to fear. One part of the thesis that you’re still missing is what the result is…what does it teach, show, create, explain, etc.?

8:04 PM

Blogger tyler said...

Each animal way the animals act on the boat is similar to the personalities that people can show.

9:06 PM

Blogger calliev said...

In the novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel, each of the animals on the lifeboat with Pi serve as a different manifestation of Pi’s mind. The zebra represents his weakness and struggle to survive, while the hyena relates to his own aggressiveness and fierceness. The orangutan represents the gentle, caring parts of his personality, and finally, the tiger is representative of Pi’s strength and willingness to live.

9:32 PM

Blogger KateS said...

In Life of Pi,the thought-provoking novel by Yann Martel, we find that one boy's struggle to physically survive while drifting in a neverending sea is matched with the need to stay afloat in the world of waning faiths and feuding religions. While fighting malnutrition, dehydration and menacing creatures of the deep, Pi Patel finds that co-existing with a man-eating tiger is the least of his worries while aboard the greatest adventure many have ever seen.

10:19 AM

Blogger Andrew H said...

In Yann Martel's Life of Pi, Richard parker symbolizes the instinct and strength that Pi needs to survive.

6:21 PM

Blogger Erin O said...


Throughout the novel, Life of Pi, by Yann Martel, the main character Pi learns about 3 different religions, Hinduism, Isam, and Christianity and must choose to follow one.

7:28 PM

Blogger Hannah D said...

The life of Pi explains two different stories, where one is overly exagerated in detail, and the other is left to infer. Which story is the correct one from interpretation.

7:44 PM

Blogger k.zamell said...

In 'Life of Pi', the author Yann Martel relates each animal that Pi interacts with on the lifeboat to a different part of his psyche or personality. The Zebra represents his weaknesses, while the Tiger represents his strength and fight for survival. The Hyena stands for aggression and force, and the Orangutan represents Pi's calm and gentle personality.

8:36 PM

Blogger Davis said...

I am working on your thesis statements. Check these later tonight, or before school. Thanks ~ Mrs. Davis

9:05 PM

Blogger Davis said...

I am working on your thesis statements. Check these later tonight, or before school. Thanks ~ Mrs. Davis

9:05 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Diana—I think hunger and thirst as a motif is a great topic, but your argument is unclear. What is the different perspective that looking at this motif gives? The reader understands that being stranded at sea for 227 days is a big contrast from ‘normal’ life, so what else could you argue in relation to hunger and thirst? What did Pi learn from this? What could hunger and thirst signify? What does it teach us?

AnnaLee—To make your argument more persuasive, you could start out with: By believing the animal story is true, readers gain/understand/…You need to think about the universal issue the reader gains from looking at this story with the belief that he spent 227 days with a tiger.

9:10 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Patrick---Religion is certainly a strong topic to discuss as it deals with Pi’s journey. But, you need to figure out what to argue: what did studying religion do for Pi? What do we understand as readers because of his study? What did it provide for his journey that caused something significant, unchanging, and could only have occurred because of his belief?

9:12 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Jordan Y.—You have the seed of a strong argument. Start with “if the animal story is true…” I like the thinking that the animal story gives an existential view of the novel, but add what that view gives the reader. What is the universal understanding then?

9:15 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Jenn---Discussing religion is certainly a strong topic with this novel (italicize novel titles, instead of putting them in quotes). But, the way your thesis reads, it is not persuasive. What is it about religion that solely causes his survival? What could you argue that is original and thought-provoking? What interests you about this topic…and thus, what did the reading of his journey with religion teach you?

9:19 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Cole—We don’t know for a fact that Yann Martel is saying this about religion, but we certainly see a character choosing to practice 3 religions. Is Pi’s study for the purpose of gaining salvation? Right now you do not have an argument. The idea of religion is certainly a strong topic, but one that you need to explore further. What does religion teach Pi, us, universally? What could we argue that religion solely gives/teaches/shows, etc.?

9:22 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Amy S.—You have written a good topic synopsis, but you still don’t have an argument. Could you argue that it is the only way for a reader to understand Pi’s _______ by realizing his journey was simply psychological? Could you argue that his trauma caused him to search for “out of world” experiences, thus teaching us ________? By looking at this novel through the lens of psychology, what DO we learn? Why is it important to look at this novel in this way?

9:26 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Emily—The topic for your thesis is good in that it discusses a need humans have, but is the need survival one that is really argumentative? Do you offer a new look at this novel? What could you say the struggle and fight show/create/etc. in regard to human’s needs…besides survival? What else could be the understanding we gain from observing his horrid journey?

9:30 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Emily—The topic for your thesis is good in that it discusses a need humans have, but is the need survival one that is really argumentative? Do you offer a new look at this novel? What could you say the struggle and fight show/create/etc. in regard to human’s needs…besides survival? What else could be the understanding we gain from observing his horrid journey?

9:30 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Stacey—I like your thinking in that choosing the animal story gives us a look at life from an existentialist view. But, your argument is weak right now. How could you state it emphatically? What could you say about the animal story to make it the only way to shift your paradigm, change your vantage point of the world, because to question where you are and yet find yourself at the same time?

9:33 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Kendra V.—This is an excellent start. You have an interesting topic: the motif orange and what it symbolizes. What is missing is the universal message. What does this teach us/show/determine/explain? This will make your argument that much more persuasive.

9:58 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Matt S.—I am intrigued. Next draft of your thesis, argue what the deeper understanding of thirst is. This will make your argument strong and persuasive.

10:01 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Sarah D.—You have a good topic, discussing how the 3 religions affect him. But what is missing is the specific HOW that each religion shapes him. Add this to your thesis and your thesis becomes argumentative.

10:04 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Kori—You need to take out the ‘I believe’…this weakens your argument as we know it is your beliefs. Your argument that neither story is real is intriguing, but you need to explain the universal message, what it teaches/shows/explains/etc.

10:09 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Kate W—Your argument that the human story has to be true is a good start, but you need to state the reasons clearly to make your argument persuasive. Good start.

10:11 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Scott H.—This is an excellent start. What is missing is HOW it helps demonstrate what you’re discussing. Add this and this will be argumentative and persuasive.

10:15 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Rea—How does Martel show that critical thinking, inspirations, and love are key? Why are they key? You need to answer these to make your thesis argumentative.

10:18 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Hannah L.—This is a start to an excellent thesis. Clear up a couple things: Are you arguing that the only way to keep your spirit alive is through the practice of multiple religions? Or that it is key to keeping Pi alive, teaching readers what?

10:24 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Cayli—The idea is great…that Pi’s journey is mental and spiritual instead of physical. The 2nd part is understood. Instead, what else can you say looking at his journey this way shows?

10:31 PM

Blogger Davis said...

David—You have written the majority of your introduction. What you are arguing at the end is something that is know about religion. What else could you argue that it brings to Pi? What could be the universal message to the readers as we view Pi’s journey through 3 religions?

10:35 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Student that wrote--Maslow has set up a hierarchic theory of five basic needs that are necessary for survival; however in the Life of Pi by Martel, Pi is forced to let go of certain needs and focus on others.—This is a great start. However, what are you arguing? We know he had to let go of certain things since he was stranded at sea for 227 days. So, what else could you argue? What could we learn from having his needs stripped down to nothing? Does it affect Pi’s ability to reach self-actualization?

10:52 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Nathan—The idea that each religion pushes Pi somewhere differently is interesting. Two things you need to add: 1) where do each religion push him? and 2) what do we learn from this? (i.e. what is the universal message?)

10:54 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Andrew Q—Are you arguing that the human side raises too many questions to be true? You need to go one step further and make a clear argument. Choose 1 side and make it completely persuasive.

10:55 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Luke—Your argument is unclear. What do we have a choice about? Your last sentence seems to contradict the idea that religion is in all of our lives WHETHER we want it to be or not. Choose 1 side and argue this emphatically. The first 2 sentences are argumentative and could be very interesting to try to prove.

10:57 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Kyle—Your argument that Richard Parker is a symbol for the danger Pi faces at sea as well as Pi’s ability to survive is a good start, but once you added that it symbolizes Pi’s trace of sanity, this is where your thesis is original. Tighten your thesis so the argument is clearer.

10:59 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Molly—You have a very interesting argument at the end of your thesis. It gets muddled because of the wordiness of the beginning. Tighten up the wording and you will have a very effective thesis.

11:01 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Kelsey—You have a small seed of an argument: in every human there is an animal. Look at this statement and add to it. What can this understanding teach us? How do we see this with Pi? And, what is the value in noticing/knowing this?

11:03 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Tyler—We know that humans can act like animals and vice versa, so you need to come with another argument around animals. What do we learn from knowing this about ourselves? What does seeing the animal in Pi teach/show us?

11:04 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Callie—Excellent start! One last sentence that would make this more argumentative is to add what knowing/realizing/seeing this within Pi, what do we understand, know, believe, etc…possibly in relation to the world, ourselves, the rest of the book?

11:06 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Kate S—You have written an interesting plot synopsis and introduction to the topic of your essay. You are still missing your argument. What will you persuade me to believe? We cannot argue that this is one of the greatest adventures and we know he co-existed with a tiger, so you need to be clear with what his worries are and what we understand because of these worries.

11:09 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Andrew H.—I like the thinking you’ve done. Using Richard Parker as a symbol of Pi’s instinct and strength is a great start. Now, to take it another step. What does this show/create/teach/explain to us? What do we, the reader, take away knowing/understanding? In other words, what’s the universal message? Answer this and your thesis will be more persuasive.

11:10 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Erin—He was told to choose 1 religion, but early in the novel we see that he chooses not to choose just one. Even as he tells the narrator about his journey at sea, we see him praying to all Gods. So, what else could you argue in relation to religions?

11:12 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Hannah D.—You do not have an argument yet. Choose which one is correct and argue that it is for certain reasons and what we as readers gain from reading this novel this certain way.

11:14 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Kevin—Great thinking. I like how you’ve compartmentalized each animal to a different “part” of Pi’s psyche. Now the next step: decide what reading the novel this way, understanding the novel this way, gives us? What do we learn because of seeing Pi’s journey this way?

11:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

in the story life of pi pi goes threw a hard time being stranded on the boat but why on the boat he is tested mentally and physically. and the strength of his reliogious life's are tested as well. he see things diffwerently than anyone else when it is all over.

10:55 AM

Blogger keith s said...

In the story of Life of Pi, Pi describes two versions of his voyage, both seeming a little too strange to be true. The one i see to be most realistic is the animal version.

11:30 AM

Blogger Kelly D said...

In "Life of Pi," the physical journey told in the book is incredible, but the mental and spiritual journey forces Pi to grow to adulthood in a series of 122 days (7 months) as opposed to the normal growth through years.

7:31 AM

Blogger Kschuler said...

Yan Martel’s “Life of Pi” is a fictional novel that tells two stories with one perspective which is that in ever human there is an animal, making the journey of Pi signify how even within the animals in the novel such as the hyena, zebra and the orangutan we can find parts and pieces of our own individual selves, connecting us to a whole different species greater than we have ever thought.

7:32 AM

Blogger jyoungblade said...

Although both stories are equally believable in Life of Pi by Yann Martel, the story with the animals is more believable because it provides a more enriched and understanding perspective to Pi's journey.

7:37 AM

Blogger mschmitz said...

The bolt of lightning that hit the water next to Pi is a symbol of hope for Pi, likewise we see lightning disappearing just as quickly as it came leaving behind the hope and fear that resides within the human heart.

7:41 AM

Blogger Madison S. said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:45 AM

Blogger Kori Z said...

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a person needs different things to stay alive – food, water, safety, love, hate, confidence and so on. While Pi was on the lifeboat, I think that Pi was able to create the two different stories in his mind to fulfill these needs, making neither story true.

7:46 AM

Blogger Madison S. said...

Comparing the novel, "Life of Pi" and a tragicomedy "Waiting for Godot," reveals the similar obstacles faced by persons of character, to undergo feats of strenth and struggle in times of woe. Of course, one must include the slap-happy moments of semi-sane insanity.

7:47 AM

Blogger emilyz said...

Even though Pi’s father said that tigers were the most dangerous animals, the whistle symbolizes Pi’s dominance over Richard Parker and his will to survive.

8:03 AM

Blogger LoganC said...

In Martel's novel Life of Pi, Pi presents two different stories to allow the reader to choose which to believe. Personally, I believe the animal story because the human story would be too much for Pi to endure.

--Logan C.

8:06 AM

Blogger emilyz said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:09 AM

Blogger emilyz said...

By believing the animal story is true, readers understand Pi’s journey and the person that he becomes through his trials and triumphs.


8:10 AM

Blogger kyle said...

The most intriguing aspect of Yann Martel’s “Life of Pi” is the tiger named Richard Parker, who isn’t necessarily real, but in many ways symbolizes any sanity Pi has left, showing the reader that sanity isn’t necessarily obvious or easy to define.

8:12 AM

Blogger Hannah D said...

Though many believe the truth to being lost at sea and survival with animals, the truth to the story, is the adventure and actuality of confronting religion, not staying on a boat with a carnivorous animal.

8:15 AM

Blogger Erin O said...

Throughout the novel, Life of Pi, by Yann Martel, the main character Pi never loses faith or hope in God, he never blames God for being stranded at sea, and he continues to find faith and hope to survive and look forward to his future and home.

8:19 AM

Blogger Kaitlyn H. said...

Even though Pi's physical journey ws horrific, his mental journey destoryed him. We realize when our hope is lost, giving up ends in a menal death.

9:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

here is my new one...

Pi Patel chooses to take on the system by practicing three religions, in doing so he will face a series of challenges that make him question who he is and who he wants to follow.

9:42 AM

Blogger jordanc said...

In “Life of Pi,” Pi Patel conveys the qualities of a true hero through the demonstration of the utmost courage in the face of hopelessness, endless faith in a higher power, and the will to survive when all odds are against him.

9:55 AM

Blogger eric said...

Yann Martel’s “Life of Pi” illustrates how pi is a hero because of his will to live, constant belief in religion and his courage shown throughout the novel.

10:04 AM

Blogger tyler said...

In “Life of Pi” there are two complex stories that are brought up one with savage animals and another with humans as savages.

10:05 AM

Blogger AndrewQ said...

While Life of pi shown through the animals point of view seemed readable, the twist of the human side raised questions. By showing the violent nature of survival, that puts the ultimate reason of saving others life to saving your own.

10:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the life of Pi, Pi’s experience with animals in his early years becomes his biggest comfort that he has on the boat cause he decides to not see people in the boat as humans but as animals each animal repersenting a different person. in the story he saw himself as the tiger cause this animal was not afraid instead everything was afraid of the tiger andthat is what he needed at this point to be fearless

10:17 AM

Blogger justinr said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:17 AM

Blogger justinr said...

Truth:ideal or fundamental reality apart from and transcending perceived experience; Pi percieved the animal story to be true but according to the definition of truth, percieved reality is not truth, BUT if the person percieves the situation as reality it becomes truth to that person.

10:18 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Old thesis: In Life of Pi by Yann Martel, the color orange is used repeatedly, in a variety of ways, to symbolize hope and survival.

New thesis: In Life of Pi by Yann Martel, the color orange is used repeatedly to symbolize hope and survival; hope that appears unexpectedly, in times when all seems lost.

10:21 AM

Blogger DianaH said...

New thesis

In the novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel, Martel is saying that belief is a human necessity and the reason for Pi's survival is due to his constant faith in God, even if it is through 3 religions.

10:22 AM

Blogger Kori Z said...

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a person needs different things to stay alive – food, water, safety, love, hate, confidence and so on. While Pi was on the lifeboat, Pi was able to create the two different stories in his mind to fulfill these needs, making neither story true.

4:12 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Richie--read your 1st sentence out loud. It is a run-on and is punctuated strangely. You also have some spelling errors as well as a lack of capitalization. Then, you need to have this formula: topic + claim + universal connection (what the claim teaches, explains, shows, etc.) = thesis statement. Try another go at it and come see me for help!

Keith—So, your topic is the animal version of the story. Your claim is what? What are you arguing about the animal version. And then, what is the universal connection (the overall message)?

6:49 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Kelly D—This a good start. You have the topic and the claim, but you are missing the universal connection. What do we learn, understand, etc. by your claim?

6:51 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Kelsey—very interesting! Divide your statement into 2 sentences to make it a little less wordy and clearer. Is your claim that we all have animals within us that connect us to a different species? Reread and make sure this is what you are wanting to prove.

6:55 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Jordan—This is a good start, but you’re claim is weak that the animal story gives us an enriched and understood perspective to Pi’s journey; what makes it enriched and what specifically do we understand? In a thesis, you want to be specific with your claims.

6:57 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Matt S.—Excellent! Original and persuasive. Plus, I think it is debatable. One critique: instead of saying “, likewise” use a semi-colon to join the 2 thoughts.

7:00 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Kori—The idea is great. What is still unclear is the connection between fulfilling Maslow’s hierarchy and the fact that neither story are true. You will need to establish that understanding either of the provided stories is saying that he was missing something, fulfilling something. Come see me if you need help.

7:04 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Madison—excellent start! The only think you’re missing is the universal connection. What do we learn from looking at the similar feats of strength and struggles?

7:14 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Emily Z.—Excellent and very original. The only thing missing is the universal connection. What do we learn from understanding that the whistle represents this? What do we know, do, believe because of it?

7:16 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Logan—You need to take yourself out of a thesis. It is a statement that you are arguing for. Maybe start with: Because the human story would cause too much pain for Pi, readers must believe the animal story. By believing the animal story…. (you need to finish it). Remember the formula: topic+claim+universal connection=thesis statement.

7:19 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Anna Lee—You’re getting closer! The beginning phrase is a good way to make the statement debatable, but what we don’t know is what we understand about his journey and what he becomes. Your claim needs to be specific, so we know what you are arguing. Keep working on it and come see me if you need help!

7:22 PM

Blogger Davis said...

Kyle S.—Looks good! Next, work on the wordiness, to get it to be a focused claim.

7:24 PM

Blogger TiaLeslie said...

Topic #8
Throughout "Life of Pi," the author Yann Martel uses animals as a deeper representation of different psychological aspects of Pi, and furthermore allows us to understand Pi's existentialism.

6:20 PM

Blogger Valentina said...

Life of Pi represents the spiritual journey a soul goes through while searching for its destination (Paradise). Life is the ocean and we are all in a boat trying to survive being surrounded by spiritual danger from the outside and inside the boat. Richard Parker is the tiger within all of us. Many times we pondered as how we could kill the tiger, and when unable, we simply try to tame him. The moment we reach our destination (in Pi's case Mexico shore) the tiger leaves us.
The Spiritual Journey (Pi's castaway journey) is nothing but a story of spiritual survival where many times we experience loss, loneliness; To me sounds like the story of Job from the Old Testament.

10:37 AM

Blogger J Edwards said...

Pi undoubtebly had a vigorous physical journey, but his mental and spiritual journey provided him with much more insite on life and to who he truly is and therefore has made him stronger mentally and made him more in touch with the world around him.

10:38 AM

Blogger Nicole said...

Nicole Havens-Yann Martel starts his story LIFE OF PI, with an incomprehensive situation where Pi has been stranded with a tiger. However at the end of the book the reader sees that the story has been manipulated because it is clear that Richard Parker is a symbol for the animalistic instinct that is present in all human beings.

10:09 AM

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4:43 PM

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10:39 PM

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8:54 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

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8:56 AM

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8:58 AM

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1:42 AM

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8:31 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

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8:32 AM

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8:49 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Please .Tell me your tittle of your thesis? I would like to make this novel as my objcet to analysis in thesis

9:04 AM


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