AHS seniors discuss Life of Pi's issues related both to the book and to their lives.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Reflective Blog for Relationships Group (1st hour)

1. Find the passage from the book that you think best represents Pi's relationship with his father or uncle, his relationship with animals, or his relationship with his three different religions AND explain why you think the quote best represents that relationship.

2. Post the passage as a comment.

3. Add a question that relates to your quote and your belief about Pi's relationship. Make it thought-provoking and one that could be argued either way a person answers it.


Blogger Christine D said...

"The golden agouti,like the rhinoceros, was in need of companionship." (page 85) I think this quote shows Pi's relationship with animals because he looks towards them for companionship. When Pi was on the boat, keeping Richard Parker alive was a way for Pi to survive because he had company. All of his life, animals kept Pi company. When orange juice died, Pi was sad because he lost a life long friend. Without animals, Pi would lose the companionship that I think is necessary to survie.

Do you think humans are naturally social, and therefore do need companionship, or do you think that humans could survive on their own?

6:24 PM

Blogger Hannah L said...


10:43 AM

Blogger Hannah L said...

I used an example from chapter 92. "I could not abandon Richerd Parker. To leave him would mean to kill him. He would not survive the first night. Alone in my lifeboat at sunset i would know that he was burning alive." (Martel 283)This quote is an example of he bond with Richerd Parker. This quote shows the love that has developed as a result of living on the boat together and Pi training Richerd Parker. Most people would be relieved that they finally had a way to get rid of him but a relationship had built and Pi could not break that.

Question: Do you think that Richerd Parker feels the same way about Pi?

10:54 AM

Blogger kyle said...

"We are all born Catholics, aren't we - in limbo, wihtout religion, until some figure introduces us to God?" (58). This quote tells both how Pi felt before and after he was introduced and began his relationship with three religions. To start, he really has no idea about the religions that are out there. He is then introduced to all of the religions in varyous ways and in the end finds God through three diferent religions. And in a way, having three religions, he is always in limbo.
Are you really born without religon? If not, are you born with faith, or do you just pick that up too?

4:47 PM

Blogger mschmitz said...

On page 36 we see Pi think that, “To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation.” This quote best explains Pi's relation to his three religions in that he shows the need to follow the beliefs handed to him, and not to doubt, as living without a belief is similar to walking through an endless maze without light, and that no one would be able to make it though. But if one believed in a philosophy, that philosophy would be able to guide them on and straighten the maze and light their path.

Do you believe that a person can live without belief or disbelief of a higher power, simply not believing in anything, and do you think this would cause their life to be void of meaning?

1:52 AM

Blogger Rea said...

I found this passage in Chapter 94 when Pi and Richard Parker reached the island of Mexico. "Then Richard Parker, companion of my torment, awful, fierce thing that kept me alive, moved forward and disappeared forever from my life," (Martel 359). I thought that this is a very good quote about Pi's relationship with Richard Parker as a human-animal relationship. I like this quote because it seems like the tiger is related to him like a brother, but in a different way. Richard Parker inspired him to continue to live and how to be strong in life. Also, later on after Richard Parker disappeared, Pi was very sad because he did not even get to look at Richard Parker in the eyes and say thank you for everything, or even say goodbye to him.

Question: Will Pi ever going to see Richard Parker again?

10:39 AM

Blogger Hannah D said...

A quote I thought of was;

"It was a lovely animal. Its wet markings glowed brightly white and intensely black. I was so eaten up by anxiety that I couldn't dwell on it; still, in passing , as a faint afterthought, the queer, clean, artistic boldness of its design and the fineness of its head stuck me." (136)

I believe that this explains a love that Pi has for animals. When in the situation that Pi was in, you wouldn't normally think of something like the beauty, you would be more focused on other important things. But, in the reality of pi, he takes the time to stop and look. Thats appreciation or love for whatever it is your taking the time to notice. And Pi, he has that love.

Question: What type of mindset would you argue that you would have to be in, if you were in the situation like Pi, to stop and take time to calmly think of other beauty?

6:36 PM

Blogger Cole Crawford said...

"When you take one step towards god, god runs to you" This quote shows his relationship with religion because he feels it is an incredibly personal religion. Pi loves the fact that he can feel a connection to every religion in a different way. Pi loves the physical part of Islam, that is why he loves his prayer rug.

If Pi had to choose one of the religions which would be choose?

Cole C

7:34 PM

Blogger jyoungblade said...

"I love you!" The words burst out pure and unfettered, infinite. The feeling flooded my chest. "Truely I do. I love you, Richard Parker. If I didn't have you now,I don't know what i would do. I don't think I would make it. No,I wouldn't. I would die of hopelessness. Dont'd give up, Richard Parker, don't give up. I'll get you to land, I promise, I promise!" (Martel 236) This at that point in the novel where they have made it pretty far, they are not quite to the island yet, but they have survived a lot together.

So my question is, do you think that Richard Parker is the bigggest influence in Pi's life thus far? And if not, who is and why?

11:05 PM

Blogger Scott H. said...

Thinking of a question I could only come up with one what kind of person is Pi really?

4:48 PM

Blogger TiaLeslie said...

"I love you, Richard Parker. If I didn't have you now,I don't know what i would do. I don't think I would make it. No,I wouldn't. I would die of hopelessness." pg 236
Pi actually says he could not live without Richard Parker. He says Richard Parker gives him the hope he needs to live.

Would Richard Parker feel dependent or attached to Pi in any way or even as strongly?

12:45 PM


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